Wall and bathroom furniture constructions with wedi building board Construct
The wedi Construct building board opens up any possibility in the design of curved shapes. Whether you wish to achieve tight radii or semicircular solutions, the Construct building board grants you plenty of scope to develop your ideas for virtually all applications. Since Construct building boards exhibit the usual high quality in terms of moisture protection and thermal insulation, irrespective of their shape, sustained high technical standards are guaranteed, along with room to allow you to explore your creative side.
Step 1Pre-cut wedi Construct building boards come in longitudinal and transverse cut designs.
Step 2To shape the building board according to your wishes, you should first create a type of template, e.g. out of wood or wedi building board.
Step 3Then place the wedi Construct building board flush along the structure, with the incisions facing inwards ...
Step 4... and apply wedi Tools reinforcement tape and tile adhesive.
Step 5Once it has dried, the building board will be set in the intended shape and can then be processed further as normal or however you wish.
Step 6A wide range of other shapes are possible using the wedi Construct building board. All you need is a template shaped to suit your wishes.